Using ESP
Three characteristics of at-risk behavior determine its relative risk – exposure, severity and probability. This is the ESP approach to estimating behavioral risk.
For the ESP approach, use the letters H, M and L for high moderate and low to determine your score, and determine your own risk for injury. A high score indicates a higher risk, which means you should perform the job differently or with greater care to avoid injury.
Loss of balance injuries:
Exposure: How many times a day do you climb a ladder or a roof, walk stairs, work at heights, walk on surfaces or work with liquids or other materials that could splash and make you lose your balance ___
Severity: How badly could you be injured if you lose your balance and slip, trip or fall? ___
Do you work at heights regardless of weather conditions? ___
Are fall protection equipment, scaffolding, slip-resistant flooring and stairs regularly inspected and maintained? ___
Do you exercise regularly for fitness and agility? ___
Are you physically fit? ___
Are slip and fall hazards regularly reported and fixed? ___
Are inspections regularly conducted to identify slip and fall hazards? ___
Given your scores, with respect to loss of balance injury; your Exposure is ___ your Severity is ___ your Probability is ___