Hazard recognition traps
What is a hazard recognition trap? It’s a blind spot – something that keeps us from seeing what is right in front our nose. Three types of hazard recognition traps are:
* Distractions – your attention gets diverted when you focus on something nearby, like a loud conversation or scenery.
* Going on cruise control – how many times each day do you put yourself on cruise control because you’ve done a job so many times that it has become second nature to you?
* A false sense of security – your job may be made safer with machine guards or PPE, which might make you think it’s no longer risky. It reduces your perception of risk and causes you to work recklessly.
Hazard recognition and our ability to see the risks around us are made difficult because of traps we sometimes set for ourselves. To stay safe, you must see past your blind spots and recognize the hazards ahead of time.